What are we reading?

The One and Only Ivan, by Katherine Applegate 

This is truly a heartwarming story about the life of Ivan, a mighty Silverback Gorilla. We love reading this book to our students even if it is a story that they have already read at home or in another class. It allows us to discuss the humane treatment of animals (part of our Science curriculum), and it covers many themes appropriate for 3rd grade students. One of my favorites!!

We are reading the book chosen for the Global Read Aloud, Fish in a Tree.  Students from almost every continent are participating in the read aloud. This book is about a girl who is dealing with the struggles of having dyslexia and how she has been smart enough to fool people so far. Hopefully we will cheer Ally on as she learns to overcome her fear of school and her disability.

Georgie Bishop is a dwarf who faces many everyday challenges in 4th grade. He is struggling with the idea that he is going to be a big brother and he wonders why his best friend is making new friends. This book has many opportunities for conversations about friendships, appearance, and self confidence.

Our first read aloud of the year is Third Grade Angels by, Jerry Spinelli. Ask your child to tell you how to earn a halo in Mrs. Simms third grade class. You might also want to have your child make a prediction as to who they think will earn the first halo.

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